Futurama Porn

Futurama Pornography Story: Sting my glistening iron Doh Chapter Five

Futurama Pornography Story: Sting my glistening iron Doh Chapter Five

Leela:ok guys we will be entering the nebula in about 15 mins.

Homer:*having drunk alot of beer and several other kinds of booze and still drinking* Wha?

Leela:we have 15 mins. befor we enter the nebula.

Homer:Oh *Resumes drinking*

*15 mins. later*

*Everyone is on the bridge and homer is still drinking*

Leela:Bender stop drinking we have to prepare for the horrors and mental trama that we are about to subject our selves to.

Homer:Oh ok-*scared and whinny* horrors and mental trama-*serious* hey wait what are we dilivering anyway!?

Leela:Some punk kids who a cleint ordered the clients name was fred something- I can’t remember.(A/n: I wonder who it could be hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm………)

Homer:I see….

*the ship goes in and the nightmares start to be projected in there minds*

*leela’s nightmare* *they are at a big wedding chapple and leela is waiting on her soon to be husband* *he comes out and he his the man of leela’s dream he gets to the alter and the wedding is getting to the part that always appears dramatic parts of a soap oprea* *leela’s husband changes in to zapp branagin* Leela:NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Fry’s nightmare* Fry:*watching T.V* Hey were’s the remote?

Bender:What the hell is a remote?


*Homer’s Nightmare*

*Homer is watching T.V*

*on T.V kent brockmen is on* Kent: This just in dounts and beer are now considered deadly and are now outlawed by the Government.


*mean while in springfeild*

*Bender walks in to the plant obviously wasted beyond all reason and logic*

*goes to sector 7G and runs in to *

Burns:Simpson your late!

Bender:*slurred* Professer! Thank god your here i’ve turned in to a yellow drunk human…

Burns:Wha-*Bender throws up on *


To be countinued

(A/n: sorry it took so long I had really bad writers block)

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